
Thanksgiving is coming!

What a wild weekend I have had, one of the best since I started this semester of school. I did not crack a book the whole time (although I will need to get on it once I finish this post!) On Friday night I went to the MOMS night out where we played a variety of games and just laughed at any and everything! It was a really nice time, good to get away :) Saturday I took the girls to the Fancy Nancy reading at Borders, they gave out hot chocolate and cookies to the kids, along with coloring pages, FN binoculars, and FN wrapping paper, and ofcourse they read a FN book. Once it was over the kids were dying to buy something, I've decided it is profitable for Borders to have such events as nearly every child walked out with atleast one book. Mine picked sticker books, which I felt were over priced but they wanted them and I am such a push over.

Once I brought them home it was Julius' turn to watch them while I went to the mall with my cousin for some early Christmas browsing (yes early, I am a Christmas Eve shopper!). I bought some Bed Bath and Beyond wallflowers which I LOVE! They smell so good and the scent really spreads unlike the glade/airwick ones. I also bought some new shirts for myself... so not much holiday shopping went on, but sometimes I need to buy myself things too!

After the mall we had a small party for the Pacquiao fight, that was a great time too! Got to hang out with some people that we have not seen in a while and all the kids were good and the fight was entertaining and nail bitting all at the same time, the food was awesome and it was a nice relaxing time. On Sunday the girls went up to Great Grandmas and I got to take a much needed nap :) Then we ordered pizza and had dinner with the Aunts.

I do have some photos from Friday, the girls were looking for something to do so I went online and found this simple Thanksgiving craft made with TP tubes (which I have been trying to save for recycling instead of throwing them in the trash), this is what they made:

(P.S. See below for another post, I did two today and just backdated it.)

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