So it's Friday, and I have squandered away the week. Well, actually I've just been really busy and Julius has had clients over in the evenings so that means we have to keep the house tidy.
Yesterday we went to Walmart and Safeway and when I got home I somehow decided it would be a good time to re-arrange our "pantry" section of our kitchen (it's just shelving so it's always visible and looked pretty terrible). I didn't get finished so I have to complete it today. It looks much better and I like the way things are grouped. With me going to school during the day I actually try to make dinner and some times I cannot find what I want so I thought it was a good time to take inventory. A mental inventory.
Today I have decided to clean the bathrooms, not a hard task, just a daunting one. It's one of those things that no one really 'wants' to do, but it looks so much nicer when it's done.
I am currently reading Obamas book Dreams from my Father. I have found a spelling error. It's still grating on my nerves, I asked Julius if I should email the publisher before they print anymore.. it's just really bothering me.
The girls are doing great in their gymnastics. I am glad to say they've had the same group of kids for the last few weeks. And they really like Miss. Liz their teacher. They actually go to her without ever giving me a second glance, I LOVE IT! Now the girls are saying they would like to try ballet, which they also offer at the gymnastics place. I haven't decided if I should put them in two classes at once or not, I was thinking to wait until I finish school and then put them in both classes when we have more time. (plus I already paid for next months gymnastics)
Oh, here's a story.. We went yesterday to get gas. It's funny I always take my girls with me when I get gas, the reason being that if something happens to me, like I get mugged or stolen.. Then hopefully someone will find my girls and know to look for me. Anyhow, so I pumped my gas which has taken a while to get used to as I only just started getting my own gas as of recently. And as I was returning for a reciept another lady got in front of me, so I gave her some space (as I hate when people hover over me while I am punching in my PIN number). So I notice she is trying to push something farther into the money slot, and thinking she just had a fiesty dollar bill I thought nothing of it. Until she turned around and said, "I think it just ate my card." Oh dear, she JAMMED her credit card into the money slot. *shakes head, and sighs* So being the upstanding citizen that I am, I stand there while she goes inside to get something to pull it out with. She comes out with a regular set of pliers (I don't see how that was going to help as you could barely even see the card). So we try the pliers then we try a hair pin, and car keys. Then while she is searching for something else to jam in there I decide it's all or nothing and push her card to the side which allowed a tiny corner to pop out and I was able to grab it with the pliers. She was ever so greatful and I walked her through the process of putting her card in the proper slot.
My good deed for the day.
Gotta go, the bathroom is screaming to be cleaned :)
Swim Meet
5 weeks ago
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