
Too Cute To Miss

Meet Adrianne's kitty.. Her name is Miss. Bell because she had a bell when she came to us about 3 months ago. She has a new bell now that Adrianne picked out for her.

What makes this photo too cute to miss? Well my kids have always dis-liked animals, well, more like HATED animals, anything that moved really (unless in a zoo and behind a cage, even then could be iffy). So when this little kitty came to Adrianne and befriended her I did not know what to think. Adrianne would even sit in the chair and hold the kitty. It's a first..

Now we are keeping her inside tonight, because she will go to the vet tomorrow and I need to be able to locate her in the morning. So here she is, sleeping with Adrianne and loving it. Here's to having turned Adrianne into an animal lover! :)

1 comment:

Melanie said...

How cute! I wonder when Evan will finally decide to like animals?