Well it's happened, and Kindergarten has only just begun. My little Alexa, quiet as she is, has made a handful of friends in K-garten. She tells me about them constantly, everything from conversations they've had, to what they were wearing, to what kind of backpack they have. Thanks to her teachers name chart she is also able to tell me what letter their names start with.
So yesterday while waiting for the teacher to come collect her chirping little chickens I was singled out by a mom for a 'conversation'. Now it's really early for me to get up and drop her off, so I'm not exactly a chattering social butterfly, infact I wish she had an older friend that could walk her to school (save me the trip).
But after a brief conversation assuring this mom that indeed my childs name was, Alexa, she turned to the real reason for the forced early morning banter, her daughter is having a birthday party and wants to invite Alexa (although she did not know her name was Alexa.. just the 'girl with the short brown hair').
So yes my social butterfly is going to her first party! To which poor Adrianne is devistated that I said she cannot come (many tears were shed and I'm sure will continue to be shed until the tables are turned). The party is at JJJump and I don't know how Alexa will do, but hopefully she will atleast attempt to play with the other guests.
Which leads me to my next thought: Should I stay at the party with her? Normally I would, but we've never been in a situation quite like this as our parties are usually people whom I know the mothers. Additionally the mom said that the party girl does not really need a gift and will just be happy if Alexa is able to come, I don't think I can honstly show up without a gift... atleast a gift card or something?! I don't want to be the cheap mom, perhaps she was just trying to be polite. I don't know what to get a 6 year old, I don't know what she already has.. I feel I am shooting in the dark. I don't even know how much I am supposed to spend.. ahh, I am so stressed over something so simple!